Sunday, February 7, 2010

How about a daily act of kindness?

Went to a wedding a short time ago and found some good advice at the church. I picked up a card in the pew and found an interesting comment on it. The comment on the card was from the web site:, and read: “The rest of the world is going at super speed, and few individuals take the time to be nice.” It went on to point out that we need to take the time to be kind to others. It helps them and it helps us. A few years ago, someone made the idea of “random acts of kindness” very popular. That had always appealed to me until I read the following: “Why random acts of kindness, why not systematic and intentional daily acts of kindness.” This makes a great deal of sense. Why should kindness be random in our society? Who was it that said “What knowledge is there that is greater than kindness.”

We read daily of “random acts of violence” but violence is not random in our world. Violence is daily and systematic. Violence destroys the fabric of society and of our lives. The only antidote to violence is kindness. Can we be more kind? Can we be less violent? What if today you took some time to be kind to a complete stranger, someone whom you did not know? How do you think you might feel after? How do you think they might feel?

At the end of today, come back to these thoughts of kindness and answer these questions: Where you able to be kind to someone today? Did you make a difference? Did you feel better? What if you tried to be kind every day? What if you programmed yourself for daily acts of intentional and planned kindness? Would the world be a better place if we all did that? Who will be the first to try?

1 comment:

  1. John,
    I had to go to Philadelphia today for a medical appointment. I took the train, had positive results, and walked leisurely back to the train station. On the steps was a black man, apparently destitute, listening to his small portable radio with a cup in his hand begging for change. I watched for a couple of minutes as people walked by ignoring his requests. There were people of all races who ignored him. In fact, I didn't see one person give him any money.
    I hate being singled out by people begging for money so I waited until a small group of people started to descend and I joined them. I had a bunch of change on me but I just walked by. I must admit I felt guilty. I thought of the poverty I lived as a child, but I also thought about how I responded to it.
    I remembered when I used to go to symphony in town and how some Philadelphia workers aske that we not give these beggars any money because it would reinforce their return to the same place.
    I think of how the city spends quite a bit of money on homeless shelters and meals for them.
    Perhaps, they should not be reinforced to be beggars. Perhaps it's better for everyone concerned to walk on by. No one wants to be taken advantage of nor does anyone want to be an enabler of negative behavior.
    My only question is if it's the right thing to do, why do I feel so bad?
    Your friend,
