Monday, January 2, 2012

Its a New Year and Time to create an even better world.

January - the beginning of a new year. As we start this New Year, I want to share with you some statistics from Bloomberg's Business Week "2012 Year in Review".

+ Since 1981,the number of people living in extreme poverty has declined from 50 percent to less than 20 percent in the developing world.

+ Infant mortality across the world is down.

+ The number of girls attending school is up.

+ Teenage pregnacies are down.

+ The chances of anyone dying in a war have never been lower.

+ In 2012, each person was born into a world that is richer, healthier and safer than at any point in history or time.

OH! and please note that the world did not end on December 21st, 2012.  We are safe for at least another year.

Take these statistics to the doomsayers and hate mongers and parasites that want to destroy the world. Show them to those who are against progress and change and science. Recite them to all of your friends and coworkers who may be wont to wallow in their current problems and are blinded to the big picture. Put them in your pocket and whenever anyone starts with the "good old day" please pull them out and ask them to be more specific.

I have never been known to be a "Pollyanna" and I am often the most pessimistic person in the room, but I know in my mind and sometimes in my heart that today is the best day in the world and tomorrow will be an even better day. I know this not because it is a fact, although it is for many in the world, but for me it is a choice. What I do, what you do with your time this year of 2013, will determine whether this year is a bad year, fair year or great year for you.

For many beginning a New Year, this is the time when we make new resolutions and promises galore. A time to begin over and to make dreams and wishes come true that did not work out the year before. We bring in the New Year as a new born baby, full of promise and youth. Some critics look at the trail of broken promises from bygone years and laugh at the efforts of others. Such people disregard the possibility of hope and change. Yes, we are better this year than we were last year and we will continue to grow and change and look at the folly of our past lives. If we believe in the future and believe in ourselves, we will make 2013 an even better world than it was in 2012.

Hope as they say springs eternal in the human breast and what would we be without it? We need to try again and when we fail, try again. The only failure is when we stop trying. So I say: “Disregard the naysayers, go ahead and set some new goals and new dreams. Stretch your vision and your horizons. People do not perish because of their dreams; they perish because of a lack of dreams. My dream for all all of us in the coming year is for even more peace, more health and more wealth. We can and will create a world where the visions and dreams of all can be fulfilled.

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