Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

Today among all the other good things you have to celebrate, most of all of course the people that gave their lives to protect our freedom and way of life, I want to remind you all to be grateful that the world will not end in December. By now, I am sure that most of you know the world was scheduled to end (according to the Mayan Calendar) on December 21st, 2012.  However, Good News!   Recent research has uncovered hidden data in the Mayan files that shows the original estimate is wrong.  Without too much ado as to the exact evidence, it is now conclusive.  We have about another 4000 years to go until the earth ends. 

So, please go about your picnics, ball games, cemetery visits and customary day off with a lightened heart.  You will not have to share the graveyard with the brave soldiers and warriors that went before you anytime in the near future. Of course, whatever wild and crazy activities that you undertake may have a deleterious effect on your longevity, but you participate in these at your own volition.  Many of our fallen soldiers did not really have the choice.  Sports risk is a great deal different than the risk of serving your country during wartime. The rest of us (at least those not serving in a current war) can stay out of harms way and be around for many more holidays.  In fact, if the new evidence on the Mayan calendar is correct, we have 56,000 more holidays to go before the end of the world. That is a lot of hot dogs and brats.

Many of our soldiers are not sitting over a grill today eating burgers and drinking beer. At this very moment, they are going about their duties looking over their shoulders for a sniper and wondering if the young child they see coming towards them has a bomb strapped to their person. The football hero may get a bad hit but it is in the rules of the game and he will pick up a hefty paycheck at the end of the week.  A large number of service people will come back with missing arms and legs. They will face enormous medical bills that they cannot pay and may have little chance of any future earnings.  So today, be glad that you have many more years on this earth, but do indeed pay tribute and respect for those who have  gone before you and also to those who are still serving and protecting.  
Who do you celebrate today for helping to support democracy and freedom in the world?  Have you ever thanked a veteran or a service man or woman  for helping to keep you safe and able to live in the greatest country on earth?  Do you do what you can to help our country remain true to the ideas of the founding fathers? Do you vote and participate in the democratic process that is your privilege and your responsibility? Do you sit idly on the sidelines watching the football games or do you pay attention to the politics governing our country and the backgrounds of the people running for elected office?  Do you know as much about your elected officials and you do your paid State Quarterback? 

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